In a post-apocalyptic world where toxic mushrooms have made the air deadly to breathe, a timid boy must learn to trust a thieving bandit in order to save his dying father.

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I shot SUNDOWN TRAIL in 2019…well before masks were a thing. when you make a post-apocalyptic film, you don’t expect part of it to come true while you’re in the midst of post-production…but, well that happened.

with this film, I wanted to tell a compelling, exciting and intense story – combining two of my favorite genres, Sci-Fi and Westerns. while the setting and style of SUNDOWN TRAIL are science fiction, thematically it’s a Western. basically I’m playing with the “Pa got snakebit, I gotta go for antidote” trope in Westerns. it’s also a coming of age story. it takes a timid boy and it puts him into the hardest possible situation. he has to take responsibility for himself, his father and even a stranger.

SUNDOWN TRAIL is a story about personal responsibility, strength, compassion and forgiveness. it’s about standing up to evil, but also knowing when to offer a helping hand. it’s about being brave enough to lead, and how to do the “hard things” that others won’t. being strong doesn’t mean being cruel. and protecting what you value doesn’t mean being merciless. ultimately, our hero learns that he can take care of his family, show compassion to a stranger and through his actions lead them all to a better future.